
Acquire More Signups For Your B2B SaaS Startup In The Next 90-180 Days Using 

The Underdog SEO Blueprint.

The SEO game is rigged to favor big brands.

Yes, you read that right!

Here is a quick example to buttress my point.

Let’s say you run an email marketing software for marketing agencies. One of the terms you MOST LIKELY want to rank for is “email marketing.”

A quick Google search shows the result below:

email marketing google search

Here are the websites currently ranking at the time of writing this:

  • Mailchimp.
  • Optinmonster.
  • Neil Patel.
  • Hubspot.
  • Constant Contact.
  • Sendinblue.
  • Active Campaign.
  • Wikipedia.

As you can see, the underdogs in this niche have all been buried and forgotten on Google's second, third, and tenth pages.

And this means that getting exposure and organic traffic from a competitive keyword like this (and many others) is difficult for startups.

So, what should you do as an underdog?

Well, you have three options.



Continue targeting these competitive keywords and hope to outrank the goliaths in your niche one day.



Forget about SEO and invest in other channels like paid Ads and influencer marketing.



 Find and target low-competitive keywords with high-business intent.

Truth is…

If you go with option one and try to outrank the top websites in your niche for competitive keywords, you’ll literally spend years and tons of resources with little to no results to show for it.

And if you invest in other channels, chances are you’d return to SEO in the long run. This is because SEO is the best and most affordable distribution channel.

Here is what you should do instead …

Identify Unsaturated Keywords You Can Rank For on Google as a Startup

Yes, you read that right!

And guess what?

There are tons of keywords like this that your target audience is actively searching for RIGHT NOW.

  • Drive qualified (not generic) traffic from Google.
  • Rank higher on Google with little to no backlinks.
  • Acquire more user signups directly from SEO content pieces.
  • Grow SaaS startup’s MRR and ARR profitably.
  • Rank faster on Google within 1-3 months.

Interesting, isn’t it?

Now, you may be wondering…

  • How exactly do you figure out these keywords?
  • Which SEO tool(s) should you use?
  • Which resource(s) do you need?

I’ll get into the details of that shortly. But before then, let me share some examples from clients we’ve worked with successfully using this strategy and the results we’ve achieved for them.

signup users in 6 months

We helped a client acquire 1,300+ user signups and 10,000+ organic traffic visitors directly from these underrated keywords within six months.

conversion using keywords

We drove 1,400+ conversions for a client using this underrated keywords strategy.

We helped a client generate about 4Million impressions and 70,000 clicks by focusing mainly on this strategy.

The 8-Step Framework For Driving Business Results From SEO as an Underdog

If you’re investing in SEO as an underdog, I highly recommend using this 8-step framework to compete in your niche and impact your bottom-line revenue positively.


Interview your customers or get insights from the founding team, sales, and customer support departments.


Use Google Search Console (GSC) to understand what users typically search for before visiting your website. 


Understand your target audience's pain points and Jobs To Be Done.


Validate the keywords using Google Autosuggest.


Identify more keywords using a combination of People Also Ask (PAA) and Related Searches sections.


Categorize the keywords based on the level of awareness of the searcher (Unaware, Problem-aware, Solution-aware, Product-aware, and Most-aware).


Group related keywords together and create clusters for similar ones.


Use Keywords Everywhere or other SEO tools to highlight the CPC of each keyword and prioritize them accordingly.

Listen to me… 

If you follow these steps to the tee, you’ll no longer live in the shadows of your top competitors on the SERPs.

Instead, you’ll build your SEO moat, dominate the SERPs for valuable keywords in your niche, and become invincible to your competitors.

At this point, you might be wondering…

  • How exactly do I go about it?
  • What questions should I ask customers or the founding team when interviewing them?
  • How do I navigate Google Search Console (GSC), and what should I check for?
  • How does Google Autosuggest work for keyword validation?
  • How do I determine the level of awareness of a searcher?

The Underdog SEO Blueprint For SaaS Startups: 

Profitable and Underrated Keywords to Rank Faster on Google, Drive Qualified Traffic, Acquire User Signups, and Grow MRR.

Do you want to:

  • Identify the keywords that will likely trend in your niche in the future.
  • Figure out the low-hanging fruit keywords with business potential that are not saturated.
  • Outrank review websites such as G2, Capterra, Trustradius, and so on, on the SERPs.
  • Target keywords that your audience is actively searching for on Google.
  • Discover keywords that your competitors ignore but have the potential of converting blog readers into user signups and paying customers.

If any of these resonate with you, this Underdog SEO Blueprint is exactly what you’re looking for.

What Is Inside The Underdog SEO Blueprint?

When you sign up for this product, here’s exactly what you’ll get:

  • 100+ zero volume keywords with modest traffic and high business potential.
  • Categorization and prioritization of keywords based on the level of awareness of the searcher and business potential.
  • Google Sheets document with the keywords.
  • Content plan (calendar) for 6-12 months.
  • 20 minutes Loom recording showing exactly how to use the keywords and the content plan.

Aside from these deliverables, you’ll also gain immediate access to the following bonuses:

Content Brief Templates

Everything you need to create Bottom of the Funnel SEO content that ranks high on Google, gets read, and converts readers into signups and paying customers.

On-page SEO Checklist

Exactly what you need to outrank review websites such as G2, Capterra, Trustradius, etc., on the SERPs for comparison and alternatives post.

Internal Link Optimization Cheatsheet

The simple framework to pass link juice to core pages on your website without building new backlinks.

With these, you’ll no longer worry about identifying the profitable keywords to target for your SaaS startup AGAIN.

All you need to do is use the content brief templates to create or outsource the articles to freelancers or content marketers in your team.

Once they’ve created the content, you can use the on-page SEO checklist to optimize the articles and ensure that they rank high on Google.

Finally, the internal link optimization cheatsheet will help you identify internal linking opportunities for the content pieces on your website.

To confirm if this will be a good fit for your startup, kindly schedule a 15 minutes session with an SEO Growth Specialist below.

And Here is Our 90-day Money-back Guarantee To You:

If the keywords don’t start ranking high on Google after 90 days of publishing the articles on your website, you can reach out to ask for a full refund and keep all the keywords and bonuses. NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

Now, think about this:

Let’s say you signed up for this offer, and one of the keywords starts driving about 100 qualified organic traffic visitors to your website every month within 90 days. 

And about 10-20% of them proceed to become user signups. This means that you have about 10-20 new people signing up for a free trial of your software every month.

Assuming that you could convert about 50% of the trial signups into paying customers. This means that you’ll acquire about 5-10 paying customers from one piece of content every month. And that translates to about 60-120 new paying customers every year.

This is from just one article ALONE.

Imagine what adding about 60 - 120 new paying customers every year from one piece of content will mean for your SaaS startup.

While this might not be the case for all keywords, it’s possible depending on your SaaS startup, the niche, your offer, competitors, etc.

And remember, you’re not alone.

Here’s What SaaS Founders and Marketers Say About Our Work:

Your Content Mart Helps Us Attract Potential Customers From Google

One of the articles you wrote for us has been a top traffic source for our website in the last two years. In fact, the content upgrade currently has a 20% conversion rate.

Owen Mcgab Enahowo Profile Pic

Owen McGab Enaohwo

CEO & Co-founder, SweetProcess

Your Content Mart Helps Us Stay Ahead Of Competitors

Overall, we're seeing an uptick in organic traffic. Since we started working with your team, we've had a 46% increase in organic traffic Month over Month, which is way bigger than what we've seen before.

Kate Balch

Kate Balch

Director of Marketing, Copysmith

One of the Few Content Marketers That Gets It

AbdulGaniy is an excellent writer who is capable of delivering high-quality content that nails expectations without needing excessive direction. It's rare to find content marketers that just get it, but he's definitely one of them. I would not hesitate to recommend working with him.

Ben Sailer

Ben Sailer

Director of Inbound Marketing, WordPress.com

It’s Been Great Learning From You

Just wanted to say thank you again for your insightful post on ZSV keywords. 

Made me feel like I might actually know what I'm doing! Keep going with the amazing posts! It's been great learning from you here.

Jess Cook

Jess Cook

Head of Content, Marpipe


  • The SEO game is rigged to favor big brands.
  • As a startup, you must focus on underserved and unsaturated keywords with high business intent to win in 2022 and beyond.
  • We built The Underdog SEO Blueprint for SaaS startups that cannot implement the 8-step SEO framework on their own.
  • With the Underdog SEO Blueprint, we’ll help you identify 100+ profitable and underrated keywords to rank faster on Google, drive qualified traffic, acquire user signups, and grow your MRR by 33% in the next 90 - 180 days..
  • You’ll get these three bonuses with the Underdog SEO blueprint; Content brief templates, on-page SEO checklist, and internal link optimization cheatsheet.
  • The Underdog SEO Blueprint comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee. 
  • To confirm if the Underdog SEO Blueprint is a good fit for your startup, click here to schedule a 15 minutes session with our in-house SEO Growth specialist.

To confirm if the Underdog SEO Blueprint is a good fit for your startup, Schedule a 15 minutes session with our in-house SEO Growth specialist. 👇

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About The Underdog SEO Blueprint

Are keywords with zero or low search volume worth it?

Yes, they are worth it if you target the right ones and validate them before creating the content.

I have got a niche SaaS product. How many relevant keywords can you discover for me?

Typically, we’ll discover at least 100 profitable keywords for your SaaS product. However, this may be more or less depending on your product, industry, competition, etc.

How do you prioritize which keywords should get attention?

We typically validate the keywords using Google Autosuggest. We also identify the relevant ones based on the responses from your team during the audience research process.

How do you tell the difference between true 0 volume and fake 0 volume where the accurate volume isn't being reported?

We typically validate the keywords using Google Autosuggest. We also identify the relevant ones based on the responses from your team during the audience research process.

How long will it take before you complete the research and deliver everything promised?

The turnaround time for the delivery is 30 days. It might take longer if we don’t get all the necessary information from you on time.

What if I’m not satisfied with your services?

Our goal is to deliver seamless and premium services to you consistently. After publishing the articles, you can take advantage of the 90-day money-back guarantee if you're unsatisfied with the results.

Ready to Grow Your SaaS  Startup’s MRR In The Next 90 - 180 Days?